Personal Data Protection Act

Comply with Thailand PDPA. Protect Customer Data.

Ampcus Cyber helps Thai businesses comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). Our experts guide you in confidently complying with the law, building trust, attracting customers, and achieving sustainable growth in the market.

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Unlocking Thailand’s Digital Potential with Ampcus Cyber

As Thailand enters a new era of data protection with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), navigating its intricacies becomes crucial for businesses operating in the country. The PDPA empowers individuals with control over their personal information, requiring businesses to ensure its responsible collection, use, and protection. While crucial for ethical data practices, achieving PDPA compliance presents new challenges. Fear not! Ampcus Cyber stands ready as your trusted guide, offering comprehensive solutions to navigate the PDPA with expertise and clarity.

Understanding the Thailand’s PDPA

Individual Rights

The PDPA grants individuals rights to access, rectify, erase, and restrict the processing of their personal data.


Lawful Basis

Businesses must have a legal basis for collecting and processing personal data, such as consent, legal obligations, or contractual necessity.


Transparency and Consent

Businesses must be transparent about how they collect, use, and disclose personal data, obtaining clear and informed consent from individuals.


Data Security Measures

Implementing robust security measures, including data encryption, access controls, and employee training, is crucial to protect personal data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or loss.


Why Prioritize PDPA Compliance

Foster Trust and Transparency

Uphold ethical data practices and build trust with your customers by adhering to the PDPA. Demonstrate your commitment to responsible data management and transparency in the digital age.

Mitigate Compliance Risks and Penalties

Avoid potential penalties and legal complications associated with non-compliance. Proactive PDPA compliance safeguards your organization from operational disruptions and reputational damage.

Enhance Brand Image and Customer Acquisition

Showcase your commitment to data privacy, attracting new customers, and enhancing your brand image as a responsible data steward.

Why Choose Ampcus Cyber?

  • Exceptional Mastery
  • Clear Roadmap to Compliance
  • Data Transparency Made Easy
  • Building Trust Through Clarity

Exceptional Mastery

Our seasoned professionals are data privacy labyrinths’ cartographers. We possess in-depth knowledge of the PDPA, its interpretations, and associated regulations, ensuring your journey is smooth and efficient.

Clear Roadmap to Compliance

We conduct a thorough analysis of your current practices, identifying potential discrepancies and crafting a clear, customized roadmap to guide you towards compliance.

Data Transparency Made Easy

We help you map all personal data you collect and store, ensuring transparency and alignment with the Act.

Building Trust Through Clarity

We assist you in creating user-friendly privacy notices that inform individuals of their data rights and your data handling practices, adhering to the PDPA’s transparency principles.


Building Bridges of Trust in Thailand’s Digital Landscape

Imagine a future where trust is the cornerstone of every digital interaction. Ampcus Cyber can help you build that bridge. By partnering with us, you can demonstrate your commitment to data privacy, empowering Thai citizens and fostering trust in the digital age. Contact us today and unlock the potential of a future built on transparency and trust.

Ready to secure your future? Contact us today!

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