Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů

Czech Republic Data Protection Made Easy – Get Certified, Stay Secure.

Ampcus Cyber helps businesses in the Czech Republic achieve compliance with the Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů (ZOOÚ) data protection law. Our experts guide you through the certification process, implement robust security measures, and ensure ongoing adherence to regulations and avoid costly penalties.

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Ensuring Personal Data Security in the Czech Republic

In today’s digital age, protecting personal data is paramount. Businesses operating in the Czech Republic must comply with the country’s stringent data protection regulations, Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů (Act on the Protection of Personal Data). Ampcus Cyber offers a comprehensive solution to help you navigate this complex legal landscape.

Key Considerations for Businesses

Data Subject Rights

Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů empowers individuals with control over their personal data. They have the right to access, rectify, erase, and restrict processing of their information.


Data Processing Activities

The law mandates clear guidelines for collecting, storing, and utilizing personal data. Transparency is crucial, requiring businesses to inform individuals about the purpose and legal basis for data processing.


Data Security Measures

Implementing robust security measures to safeguard personal data is essential. This includes data breach notification procedures and appropriate technical and organizational safeguards.


Ampcus Cyber – Your Trusted Guide to Compliance

Assessment and Gap Analysis

Our experts will thoroughly evaluate your current data practices to identify areas that require improvement for compliance.

Implementation and Policy Development

We’ll assist in crafting a data protection policy aligned with Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů and guide you through the implementation process.

Ongoing Support and Training

Our team will provide ongoing support to ensure your organization remains compliant. We offer employee training programs to foster data privacy awareness within your workforce.

Why Choose Ampcus Cyber?

  • Deep Expertise
  • Streamlined Approach
  • Scalable Solutions

Deep Expertise

Our team possesses in-depth knowledge of Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů and extensive experience in helping businesses achieve compliance.

Streamlined Approach

We provide a clear roadmap and efficient implementation process to minimize disruption to your operations.

Scalable Solutions

Our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization, regardless of size or industry.


Chart Your Course in Czech Data Privacy with Confidence

Contact Ampcus Cyber today! Our team of experts is eager to partner with you on your journey towards achieving and maintaining seamless compliance with Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů. Let us empower you to focus on your core business while we safeguard your data and your reputation in the Czech Republic.

Ready to secure your future? Contact us today!

Contact our team at letsconnect@ampcuscyber.com to discuss your specific needs and let us guide you toward a more secure tomorrow.

Contact us today!