Law No. 19.628 on the Protection of Private Life

Respect Privacy. Comply with Law No. 19.628.

Ampcus Cyber helps private companies of Chile to navigate Law 19.628 on Protection of Private Life. Our experts guide you in implementing security controls and best practices to protect personal data and avoid penalties.

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Embark on a Clarity Quest: Conquer
Chile’s Data Terrain with Ampcus Cyber

Operating in Chile’s dynamic digital landscape requires navigating the complexities of Law No. 19.628 on the Protection of Private Life. This comprehensive law empowers individuals with control over their personal information, placing the onus on businesses to ensure its responsible collection, use, and protection. While crucial for ethical data practices, compliance can feel like a daunting challenge. Though compliance may seem daunting, fear not! Ampcus Cyber emerges as your stalwart guide, providing comprehensive solutions to navigate Law No. 19.628 with unwavering confidence and expertise.

Chile Protection of Private Life Law’s Key Pillars for Businesses

  • Transparency and Informed Consent
  • Data Subject Rights
  • Data Security Safeguards
  • Data Breach Notification
  • Data Transfer Restrictions

Guiding Your Compliance Journey with Ampcus Cyber

Thorough Regulatory Evaluation

Our seasoned experts meticulously scrutinize your data practices against the Law’s parameters, pinpointing any disparities and devising a tailored roadmap to compliance.

Complete Data Inventory and Mapping

We diligently identify and map all personal data you gather, ensuring full transparency and alignment with the Law’s mandates.

Efficient Consent Management System

We establish streamlined processes for securing, recording, and managing consent in line with the Law’s stringent criteria.

User-Friendly Privacy Policy Development

We craft easily understandable privacy notices that elucidate individuals’ data rights and your data handling procedures, adhering closely to Article 11’s transparency guidelines.

Why Ampcus Cyber for Your Law No. 19.628 Journey?

  • Unrivaled Proficiency in Chilean Data Privacy
  • Proven History of Triumph
  • Adaptive Solutions
  • Tailored Excellence

Unrivaled Proficiency in Chilean Data Privacy

Our seasoned experts possess a profound understanding of the law, guiding you through intricate regulations with crystal-clear confidence.

Proven History of Triumph

We boast a track record of aiding diverse organizations in Chile to attain and sustain compliance, mitigating risks, and constructing robust privacy frameworks.

Adaptive Solutions

Employing cutting-edge tech and best practices, we help you forge a resilient compliance program that evolves with regulations and exceeds consumer expectations.

Tailored Excellence

With a client-centric approach, we prioritize open communication and collaboration, ensuring your compliance journey is seamless and tailored to your unique business needs and industry sector.


Unlock Transparency and Trust in Chile’s Digital Future

Turn Law No. 19.628 compliance into a strength with Ampcus Cyber. Fortify your dedication to data privacy, empower Chileans, and build trust in the digital era. Contact us for a consultation today. Ampcus Cyber guides you through Chile’s Law No. 19.628 with expertise, clarity, and unwavering dedication to Chilean data privacy.

Ready to secure your future? Contact us today!

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