Communications Security Establishment (CSE)

Align with CSE Standards. Strengthen National Security.

Ampcus Cyber helps Canadian organizations implement best practices aligned with the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) cybersecurity guidance. Our experts guide you in achieving a robust security posture, mitigating cyber risks, and demonstrating your commitment to national cybersecurity standards.

Secure Your Small Business, Shield Your Success:
Piloting Cybersecurity with CSE and Ampcus Cyber

Cybersecurity is no longer just a concern for large corporations. In today’s digital landscape, even small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Canada are targets for cyberattacks. The Communications Security Establishment (CSE) recognizes this vulnerability and offers valuable cybersecurity resources to Canadian businesses. However, understanding and implementing these resources can seem daunting. That’s where Ampcus Cyber comes in, serving as your trusted bridge between SME needs and CSE expertise.

Why SMEs in Canada Need CSE’s Cybersecurity Expertise

Targeted Threats

SMEs are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to their perceived “easier access” and valuable data.


Limited Resources

Smaller businesses often lack the budget and internal expertise to establish robust cybersecurity measures.


Evolving Threats

Staying ahead of the ever-changing cyber threat landscape can be overwhelming for resource-constrained teams.


Ampcus Cyber: Unlocking the Value of CSE Resources for SMEs

CSE Liaison and Interpretation

We translate complex CSE resources into actionable steps tailored to your specific business needs and risk profile.

Cost-Effective Implementation

Leverage our expertise to implement CSE-recommended security controls efficiently and within your budget constraints.

Continuous Monitoring and Support

We provide ongoing monitoring and support to ensure your cybersecurity posture remains robust and compliant.

Anticipatory Threat Intelligence

Benefit from our insights into the latest cyber threats and attacks, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.

Why Choose Ampcus Cyber as Your SME Cybersecurity Partner?

  • Demonstrated Track Record
  • Deep Understanding of SME Challenges
  • Technology-Driven Approach
  • Customer-Centered Collaboration

Demonstrated Track Record

We have a successful history of helping SMEs across Canada leverage CSE resources and achieve effective cybersecurity.

Deep Understanding of SME Challenges

We recognize the unique needs and constraints faced by SMEs and tailor our solutions accordingly.

Technology-Driven Approach

We leverage cutting-edge technology to automate tasks, streamline processes, and minimize disruption to your operations.

Customer-Centered Collaboration

We prioritize open communication and work closely with you to achieve your cybersecurity goals.


Secure Your SME’s Future: Partner with Ampcus Cyber

Shield your business from cybersecurity threats. Join forces with Ampcus Cyber to tap into the resources and expertise of the Communications Security Establishment. Contact us for a consultation today and let Ampcus Cyber guide you with confidence through Canada’s cybersecurity terrain.

Ready to secure your future? Contact us today!

Contact our team at to discuss your specific needs and let us guide you toward a more secure tomorrow.

Contact us today!