Secure DevOps & Application Security

Ampcus Cyber’s Secure DevOps solutions integrate security throughout your development lifecycle. We identify vulnerabilities early in the development process and empower you to develop secure applications faster without compromising security, mitigating risks, and ensuring a secure foundation for your applications.

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Bridging the Security Gap: Ampcus Cyber’s Secure DevOps & Application Security Solution

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, speed and agility are crucial. Yet, neglecting security in the pursuit of rapid releases can create a treacherous chasm – one vulnerability hidden deep within your code can bring your operations crashing down. Ampcus Cyber’s Secure DevOps & Application Security solution becomes your trusted bridge, seamlessly integrating security throughout your software development lifecycle (SDLC), empowering you to deliver secure, reliable applications with unwavering confidence.


Security Woven into the Fabric of Development

Shift Left Security

We move beyond traditional post-development security testing, embedding security practices and tools into every phase of your SDLC. From code commits to deployments, vulnerabilities are identified and neutralized early, minimizing the potential for costly rework and remediation.

Automated Security Testing

Forget tedious manual tasks. We leverage a suite of automated security testing tools, covering static code analysis, dynamic application security testing (DAST), and software composition analysis (SCA), providing comprehensive coverage throughout your development cycle.

Continuous Integration and Security

Our solution seamlessly integrates with your existing CI/CD pipelines, making security checks an inherent part of every build and deployment. This continuous feedback loop ensures vulnerabilities are caught and addressed instantly, preventing them from reaching production environments.

Empowering Developers, Securing Applications

  • Security Champions, Not Roadblocks
  • Threat Intelligence and Vulnerability Management
  • Compliance Confidence

Why Choose Ampcus Cyber for Your Secure DevOps Journey?

  • Seasoned Security Experts
  • Technology-Driven Innovation
  • Collaborative Partnership

Seasoned Security Experts

Our team comprises proven DevSecOps specialists with deep expertise in secure coding practices, application security tools, and compliance requirements, ensuring your solution is tailored to your specific needs and development culture.

Technology-Driven Innovation

We leverage cutting-edge DevSecOps tools and automation platforms, constantly updating our solution with the latest advancements to guarantee your defenses remain robust against emerging threats.

Collaborative Partnership

We work closely with your teams to understand your unique development processes and integrate our solution seamlessly into your existing infrastructure, minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency.


Ready to Bridge the Security Gap and Accelerate Secure Innovation?

Don’t let security concerns slow down your development cycle. Contact Ampcus Cyber today and let us be your trusted partner in building a secure and agile DevSecOps culture. We’ll help you bridge the security gap, empowering your developers to deliver world-class applications with unwavering confidence and peace of mind.

Ready to secure your future? Contact us today!

Contact our team at to discuss your specific needs and let us guide you toward a more secure tomorrow.

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